Board of Director’s
CAPK Foundation Executive Committee
Committees of the Board may be appointed by resolution passed by a majority of the whole Board. Committees shall be composed of two or more members of the Board, and shall have the powers of the Board as may be expressly delegated to it by resolution of the Board of Directors, with exceptions. Please see section 4.17 Official Board Committees in the Foundation Bylaws.
Any committee may be designated an Executive Committee or by another name as the Board shall specify. Minutes shall be kept of each meeting of each committee.
1300 18th Street, Suite 200. Bakersfield, CA 93301
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Community Action Partnership of Kern Foundation is a supporting organization for Community Action Partnership of Kern (“CAPK”) with a 501(c)(3) designation. The Foundation, governed by its own separate Board of Directors, conducts fundraising activities and community outreach that supports CAPK programs.
Our Federal Tax Identification Number (EIN) is 86-1249865.