The M Street Navigation Center, located at 2900 M Street is owned by the County of Kern and operated by Community Action Partnership of Kern. The Center is designed to be a 24-hour facility providing shelter beds, meals, laundry services, medical assessment and pet care to unsheltered individuals who face significant barriers to supportive housing care.
Due to COVID19, current operations are limited to overnight shelter, meals, medical assessment and limited day-use. The Center will open on May 14, 2020 and will be operated with COVID-19 social distancing protocols in place until the danger from the virus has passed.
Overnight guests will have a secure area to store possessions while they eat, get a shower, rest and receive services. Community partners will provide some core supportive services, including mental health services and medical care, starting on opening day. Full services will be implemented after applicable COVID19 restrictions have been lifted.
Future services will also include a kennel facility operated by Kern County Animal Services for client’s companion dogs.
1300 18th Street, Suite 200. Bakersfield, CA 93301
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Community Action Partnership of Kern Foundation is a supporting organization for Community Action Partnership of Kern (“CAPK”) with a 501(c)(3) designation. The Foundation, governed by its own separate Board of Directors, conducts fundraising activities and community outreach that supports CAPK programs.
Our Federal Tax Identification Number (EIN) is 86-1249865.